
During weekdays, I work as an IT professional, but I embrace a digital nomad lifestyle, free from the constraints of a specific office. I carry my camera everywhere and create photographic works daily as a photographer.

Since my twenties, I've been captivated by travel, exploring various countries around the world. My two-year stay in London from 2013 significantly influenced my creative expression, laying the foundation for the unique style reflected in my current work.

Upon returning to Japan, I resumed my career in interior design while taking on diverse photography assignments, including architecture, corporate creative projects, culinary photography, and events. I've refined my skills through self-study, particularly on weekends. In 2019, I was drawn to the possibilities of my new digital Leica camera, dedicating myself not only to commercial photography but also to artistic photographic expression.

Currently, I work in the branding and marketing department of a SoftBank Group company, where I manage a wide range of tasks from creative direction to content development. Additionally, I am building a career as a freelance photographer, eager to collaborate with new talents across various projects. My strength lies in my ability to travel light and adapt flexibly to any location.

I relish new challenges and encounters, continually pursuing creativity.

I look forward to crossing paths with you somewhere along the way.








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